Diane joined the Bravo cc team in 2015 as our professional and executive coach as well as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. She loves teaching people how to move through fear, gain confidence, clarity, and courage, get results with velocity, break through barriers and ask for what you want and get it. And she is REALLY REALLY good at it too! Her listening skills are second to none and she possesses a rare intuitive ability to ZERO in on the thing that is the thing. Like the real thing, not the surface level stuff, but the real stuff, the hard stuff--those things that are holding us back from true success.
Diane's style is disarming and she builds trust fast and easily, creating the right environment to speak out loud your BIGGEST dreams. Together, you create a plan to get there. Diane does not hesitate to hold you accountable. She will energize you and keep you focused to find the way forward.
Meet Diane

Rachel joined the Bravo cc in 2019 to assist the team in marketing and visual design work. She has worked in marketing and multimedia for the last 13 years in an array of industries including, banking, public education, higher education, corporate, collectibles and more. She has overseen large scale events, managed international marketing campaigns and worked with production companies around the world.
She works with Bravo CC producing graphics, photography, videography, and marketing materials. She enjoying having opportunities to be creative and to utilize her skillset to bring a visual aspect to a project.
Rachel has a passion for eduction. She sees herself as a life-long learner and aspires to also help others learn and grow in their endeavors.
Meet Rachel